There was a time when I had a long list of things I wanted to purchase. I was sure they would make me happy. "If only I had ______, then I will be happy!" Perhaps I desired the wealth of Solomon. But now I realize the headaches that Solomon must of had managing all his property and possessions. Now, a good thing to me is less of a house with a lot fewer possessions to store and maintain.
The "good thing" I would ask for have to do with expanded opportunity to minister and share the good news of Jesus, good health, growing relationships with my wife, and family. A good thing to me is a loving church family. A good thing to me is a growing faith and learning more about the ways of the Lord. A really good thing is experiencing the abiding presence of the God.
My prayer is that I may know what is truly a good thing. I am so grateful for God's love and favor. Thank you, Lord!