A favorite Psalm of mine is the 40th. This offering from David alternates from a cry for help to earnest attention to the Lord. He concludes with these lines:
Let all that seek you rejoice and be glad in you,
Let those who love your salvation say continually, “Great is the Lord!”
As for me I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought of me
You are my help and my deliverer, do not tarry, O, my God.
These words sum up my earnest seeking for renewal in my life and in the church. The first thing I have learned about walking in renewal is that it involves wholehearted seeking. Jesus in his inaugural sermon inviting us into the kingdom put it this way: “Seek first the kingdom and his righteousness.” (Matthew 6:33) This is in contrast to the Gentiles whose focus is on seeking temporal stuff like food and clothing. When something is first it is a matter of priority. It comes first over all other things. My first task each day is putting God’s will first. I simply want to know what God wants me to do and then I obey. First also refers to focus. Seeking God means I keep my attention on God and spiritual things. Some things that help me pay attention to God are daily worship and reading of scripture. Perhaps you have noticed things that keep you focused on him. Whatever they are we need to put God first.
Take a moment and evaluate your life. If an outsider were to size up your heart expressed in your activity would they say that you are earnestly seeking after God? I urge you to follow Jesus by seeking first his kingdom and his righteousness.
A favorite Psalm of mine is the 40th. This offering from David alternates from a cry for help to earnest attention to the Lord. He concludes with these lines:
Let all that seek you rejoice and be glad in you,
Let those who love your salvation say continually, “Great is the Lord!”
As for me I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought of me
You are my help and my deliverer, do not tarry, O, my God.
These words sum up my earnest seeking for renewal in my life and in the church. The first thing I have learned about walking in renewal is that it involves wholehearted seeking. Jesus in his inaugural sermon inviting us into the kingdom put it this way: “Seek first the kingdom and his righteousness.” (Matthew 6:33) This is in contrast to the Gentiles whose focus is on seeking temporal stuff like food and clothing. When something is first it is a matter of priority. It comes first over all other things. My first task each day is putting God’s will first. I simply want to know what God wants me to do and then I obey. First also refers to focus. Seeking God means I keep my attention on God and spiritual things. Some things that help me pay attention to God are daily worship and reading of scripture. Perhaps you have noticed things that keep you focused on him. Whatever they are we need to put God first.
Take a moment and evaluate your life. If an outsider were to size up your heart expressed in your activity would they say that you are earnestly seeking after God? I urge you to follow Jesus by seeking first his kingdom and his righteousness.