While riding our bicycles through the Missouri River valley we observed all types of topography. The converted rail trail passed near steep cliffs of limestone. The rocks were impressive but they were bare of vegetation. Other stretches were covered with thick undergrowth of weeds and brush. The old Missouri, though, has often shifted its bed. Frequently the valley gets flooded. Some of the soil is thick with rich sediments washed downstream from the western Montana mountains. This rich soil is prized for productive farming.
Jesus understood the variance in soil quality. He used these differences to illustrate the various levels of receptivity to the powerful word of God. Some hear the good news of Jesus and it sinks in deeply. It takes root and grows wildly. As Jesus explains it: “But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." (Matthew 13:20, NIV)
They understand the message of God and put it into practice. Their lives are fruitful. They develop the character of Jesus. They are good witnesses who exhibit the reality of the Good News.
Now Jesus may have spoken this parable to help us understand why some fail to persevere in their faith. But, I think one of his intentions was to get us to evaluate our own heart. Are we soil that hears and responds fully to the Word of God? We are the ones who determine whether we will flourish as believers. May we all be that kind of soil!
Jesus understood the variance in soil quality. He used these differences to illustrate the various levels of receptivity to the powerful word of God. Some hear the good news of Jesus and it sinks in deeply. It takes root and grows wildly. As Jesus explains it: “But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown." (Matthew 13:20, NIV)
They understand the message of God and put it into practice. Their lives are fruitful. They develop the character of Jesus. They are good witnesses who exhibit the reality of the Good News.
Now Jesus may have spoken this parable to help us understand why some fail to persevere in their faith. But, I think one of his intentions was to get us to evaluate our own heart. Are we soil that hears and responds fully to the Word of God? We are the ones who determine whether we will flourish as believers. May we all be that kind of soil!