Reaching Our World

Once a year, OBC contributes to a Love Gift Offering for American Baptist retired ministers and missionaries.
FEATURED MISSIONARY - Tim and Patti Long - Mexico

Patti and Tim Long began their mission service in Baja California, Mexico, in July 1996. Patti ministers as special education teacher and resource specialist at the Monte Horeb Baptist Grade School in Tijuana, a school that reaches out to the most vulnerable of the city's young population, its children with special needs. She also coordinates the STEP scholarship program for students at the school.
Tim serves in leadership development through the Baja Baptist Seminary, teaching present and future church leaders, both at its Mexicali campus and extension centers located throughout Baja California. He also coordinates a scholarship program for seminary students. Click here for more information about the Longs:
Language used in ministry: Spanish
Rebecca and Trevor Jones, Kodiak, AK
Ben Sullivan, Christian Center, Anadarko, OK
Dan Buttry, Global Consultant - Dan Buttry is American Baptist International Ministries' Global Consultant for peace and justice. He works with ABC missionaries and national church partners around the world to deal constructively with conflict situations. In addition, Dan trains church and community leaders in conflict transformation skills, utilizing experiential education methodologies and Bible study.
Annie and Jeff Dieselberg, Thailand - Annie and Jeff Dieselberg serve in Bangkok, Thailand, a bustling metropolis of more than 10 million people. Annie is a co-founder and CEO of NightLight Design Co. Ltd., a business-as-mission, which employs and empowers women affected by the sex trade industry in Bangkok. Annie facilitates the outreach in the red-light area and leads in the prayer and deliverance ministry. Jeff teaches urban transformation with a team of Thai pastors at three Bangkok seminaries, is a chaplain at NightLight, and one of the pastors of Song Sawang Church. This church was started with women from NightLight who have come to follow Jesus and now it continues to grow as they actively invite members of their family, friends, and people in the community.
Anita and Rick Gutierrez, South Africa - Family doctors Anita and Rick Gutierrez train and equip local churches, pastors and missionaries to combat life-style related diseases like HIV/AIDS, heart and artery disease, diabetes and malaria. Portable rapid screening tests and ultrasound are incorporated into weekly neighborhood health classes held by trained health builders. In-home sessions provide fellowship evangelism, Bible study opportunities and feature DVDs the doctors make about health topics, even in Zulu! Anita and Rick empower the church to promote health and encourage people in Christ's name.
Ruth Mooney, Costa Rica - Ruth teaches Christian Education, Written Communication and Ethics at the Latin American Biblical University (UBL), a seminary founded in 1924 that prepares pastors and leaders for churches throughout Latin America. She also works with the Publications Department, editing course materials and books written by the faculty, and directing the bookstore. Ruth has extensive experience in writing Bible study materials and training Sunday School teachers. Most recently, she directed Ediciones Lumbrera, a ministry of the Federacion de Asociaciones Bautistas de Costa Rica.
Mario Morales, Bolivia - Mario Morales serves God at the House of Hope and the Baptist Seminary in Cochabamba, Bolivia. He works together in leadership development, identifying, equipping and enabling young people to discover their gifts and start a journey of mission in his communities and local churches, responding to the tremendous poverty issues of women and children. These issues include combating anemia in kids ages 0 to 5 and overcoming illiteracy among 68% of the women. His ministries deal with Quechua communities both in rural and urban areas.
Katherine and Wayne Niles, Democratic Republic of Congo - Wayne works with IMA World Health, serves as the in-country finance officer for several health projects and manages the DEVRU project. DEVRU helps Congolese fight starvation with disease resistant and high protein food crops, and helps Congolese farmers generate income for many decades with a new variety of palm tree that produces abundant oil. Katherine works with Congolese Christian health professionals and grass-roots community leaders. Their goals are to reduce Congo's maternal and child mortality rates by finding solutions to common health problems using cooperation, local resources and the word of God. She also coordinates White Cross and support for the network of Baptist hospitals and health centers.
David and Laura Parajon, Nicaragua - David and Laura Parajon serve through the non-profit organization AMOS Health and Hope, in partnership with rural communities. David is an internist and Laura is a family physician; both have training in Public Health. They work to bring health, hope and healing to the impoverished and vulnerable people of Nicaragua. Their work includes sustainable and preventive community health care programs, deworming campaigns, disaster relief, and services to people living with HIV/AIDS.
J.D. and Rhonda Reed, Bolivia - J.D. and Rhonda Reed were commissioned for service in Bolivia at their home church in July of 2011. They are serving in partnership with the Union Bautista Boliviana, and live in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. There they serve in theological education for both lay leaders and pastors. Their primary focus is to aid in development of leadership in the areas of theology, plant new churches, and develop new ministries in the southern part of Bolivia. This ministry began in August 2012.
Kihomi Ngwemi and Nzunga Mabudiga, Haiti - Nzunga teaches theology at the Christian University of Northern Haiti, trains other professors in teaching and writing books, administers a scholarship program for students and a "Kids for Kids" goat project for children and preaches in churches. He is also the Cap Haitian eye clinic administrator. Kihomi works with families in the area of counseling, family planning, and women's health issues. She preaches in churches, and also coordinates and advises the Women's Association of the Haitian Baptist Convention.
- Source: Guide to Global Servants 2012-2013, International Ministries.
Tim serves in leadership development through the Baja Baptist Seminary, teaching present and future church leaders, both at its Mexicali campus and extension centers located throughout Baja California. He also coordinates a scholarship program for seminary students. Click here for more information about the Longs:
Language used in ministry: Spanish
Rebecca and Trevor Jones, Kodiak, AK
Ben Sullivan, Christian Center, Anadarko, OK
Dan Buttry, Global Consultant - Dan Buttry is American Baptist International Ministries' Global Consultant for peace and justice. He works with ABC missionaries and national church partners around the world to deal constructively with conflict situations. In addition, Dan trains church and community leaders in conflict transformation skills, utilizing experiential education methodologies and Bible study.
Annie and Jeff Dieselberg, Thailand - Annie and Jeff Dieselberg serve in Bangkok, Thailand, a bustling metropolis of more than 10 million people. Annie is a co-founder and CEO of NightLight Design Co. Ltd., a business-as-mission, which employs and empowers women affected by the sex trade industry in Bangkok. Annie facilitates the outreach in the red-light area and leads in the prayer and deliverance ministry. Jeff teaches urban transformation with a team of Thai pastors at three Bangkok seminaries, is a chaplain at NightLight, and one of the pastors of Song Sawang Church. This church was started with women from NightLight who have come to follow Jesus and now it continues to grow as they actively invite members of their family, friends, and people in the community.
Anita and Rick Gutierrez, South Africa - Family doctors Anita and Rick Gutierrez train and equip local churches, pastors and missionaries to combat life-style related diseases like HIV/AIDS, heart and artery disease, diabetes and malaria. Portable rapid screening tests and ultrasound are incorporated into weekly neighborhood health classes held by trained health builders. In-home sessions provide fellowship evangelism, Bible study opportunities and feature DVDs the doctors make about health topics, even in Zulu! Anita and Rick empower the church to promote health and encourage people in Christ's name.
Ruth Mooney, Costa Rica - Ruth teaches Christian Education, Written Communication and Ethics at the Latin American Biblical University (UBL), a seminary founded in 1924 that prepares pastors and leaders for churches throughout Latin America. She also works with the Publications Department, editing course materials and books written by the faculty, and directing the bookstore. Ruth has extensive experience in writing Bible study materials and training Sunday School teachers. Most recently, she directed Ediciones Lumbrera, a ministry of the Federacion de Asociaciones Bautistas de Costa Rica.
Mario Morales, Bolivia - Mario Morales serves God at the House of Hope and the Baptist Seminary in Cochabamba, Bolivia. He works together in leadership development, identifying, equipping and enabling young people to discover their gifts and start a journey of mission in his communities and local churches, responding to the tremendous poverty issues of women and children. These issues include combating anemia in kids ages 0 to 5 and overcoming illiteracy among 68% of the women. His ministries deal with Quechua communities both in rural and urban areas.
Katherine and Wayne Niles, Democratic Republic of Congo - Wayne works with IMA World Health, serves as the in-country finance officer for several health projects and manages the DEVRU project. DEVRU helps Congolese fight starvation with disease resistant and high protein food crops, and helps Congolese farmers generate income for many decades with a new variety of palm tree that produces abundant oil. Katherine works with Congolese Christian health professionals and grass-roots community leaders. Their goals are to reduce Congo's maternal and child mortality rates by finding solutions to common health problems using cooperation, local resources and the word of God. She also coordinates White Cross and support for the network of Baptist hospitals and health centers.
David and Laura Parajon, Nicaragua - David and Laura Parajon serve through the non-profit organization AMOS Health and Hope, in partnership with rural communities. David is an internist and Laura is a family physician; both have training in Public Health. They work to bring health, hope and healing to the impoverished and vulnerable people of Nicaragua. Their work includes sustainable and preventive community health care programs, deworming campaigns, disaster relief, and services to people living with HIV/AIDS.
J.D. and Rhonda Reed, Bolivia - J.D. and Rhonda Reed were commissioned for service in Bolivia at their home church in July of 2011. They are serving in partnership with the Union Bautista Boliviana, and live in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. There they serve in theological education for both lay leaders and pastors. Their primary focus is to aid in development of leadership in the areas of theology, plant new churches, and develop new ministries in the southern part of Bolivia. This ministry began in August 2012.
Kihomi Ngwemi and Nzunga Mabudiga, Haiti - Nzunga teaches theology at the Christian University of Northern Haiti, trains other professors in teaching and writing books, administers a scholarship program for students and a "Kids for Kids" goat project for children and preaches in churches. He is also the Cap Haitian eye clinic administrator. Kihomi works with families in the area of counseling, family planning, and women's health issues. She preaches in churches, and also coordinates and advises the Women's Association of the Haitian Baptist Convention.
- Source: Guide to Global Servants 2012-2013, International Ministries.