We know about war. Vibrant pictures of mayhem and destruction flood into our living rooms each time war breaks out around the world. Jesus says that war with the rise and fall of nations will continue as a sign until he returns.
"Then he said to them: 'Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.'" (Luke 21:10).
Signs point to something else. They give us information or warning. What does the sign of war and national turmoil say to us?
I believe that when we see the rise and fall of nations it reminds us of the deep impact of sin on all of humanity and all of its institutions. Sometimes we forget that and get too tied into earthly kingdoms. Our own country has been rare in its aspirations for justice and freedom. Yet America, too, is tainted by sin. If you need convincing, remember how Africans were enslaved or the massacres of Native Americans. This world is suffering under the affect of fallen creation. These signs should remind us of our need of the Savior. They should remind us to live daily looking for the return of our Redeemer. We should focus on what is eternal and lasting. The sign of war should remind us not to put our hope in this world but seek to expand the heavenly kingdom into every person possible.
We look forward with hope. Come, Lord Jesus!
"Then he said to them: 'Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.'" (Luke 21:10).
Signs point to something else. They give us information or warning. What does the sign of war and national turmoil say to us?
I believe that when we see the rise and fall of nations it reminds us of the deep impact of sin on all of humanity and all of its institutions. Sometimes we forget that and get too tied into earthly kingdoms. Our own country has been rare in its aspirations for justice and freedom. Yet America, too, is tainted by sin. If you need convincing, remember how Africans were enslaved or the massacres of Native Americans. This world is suffering under the affect of fallen creation. These signs should remind us of our need of the Savior. They should remind us to live daily looking for the return of our Redeemer. We should focus on what is eternal and lasting. The sign of war should remind us not to put our hope in this world but seek to expand the heavenly kingdom into every person possible.
We look forward with hope. Come, Lord Jesus!